What are the various applications of business intelligence?

business intelligence

Consider the information a news or e-commerce website would need to monitor. Business intelligence is now more than simply a choice—it’s a requirement. Let’s examine five examples of business intelligence applications that were successful.

Google uses BI to select managers

When considering a sizable data volume, Google comes to mind immediately. We want to discuss Google’s internal operations rather than how it meticulously gathers consumer data. Google collects information from users of the search engine and also influences their own decisions.

In actuality, the business chooses its managers based on the data. It gathered information on the most and most minor well-liked managers within the organization, examined it, and created a list of qualities managers needed to succeed at Google. Their findings are crucial for selecting new managers and raising the effectiveness of those already on the team.

Starbucks uses BI to make customers happy

The well-known US coffee chain, which has locations worldwide, has developed a new app that lets users pay swiftly and earn stars that will unlock benefits like a free coffee. The app’s objective is to gather information on user preferences to provide tailored offers based on shopping in addition to making in-store payments significantly faster behaviors as a result. In this instance, Starbucks strategically leveraged business intelligence to increase consumer loyalty by cyclically providing them with the things they value the most.

UberEats communicates with restaurants via BI

The well-known transportation business Uber now has a platform for ordering and delivering meals called Uber Eats.

The delivery is now considerably faster and more effective due to Uber Eats. The business enables restaurants to deliver food to customers’ homes by allowing them to choose where and when to get it.

UberEats gathers all customer and order data through business intelligence to inform restaurants about the income they have received from the delivery service, the number of dishes ordered, and which terms are used the most on particular days of the week.

In this approach, the restaurants have complete control over all the essential data needed to provide increasingly effective customer service.

Facebook makes ethical decisions.

Academics used business intelligence to study Facebook usage. They specifically demonstrated that Facebook use results in a modest decline in users’ mental health.

This outcome depends on how the typical user spends his day, constantly comparing his life to what he sees on social media and feeling guilty. The business appears to have recognized the seriousness of the situation and is using the research to lessen the harmful effects of social networks. For this reason, it is testing in various nations while keeping the number of likes on posts a secret.business intelligence


Twitter Tests With BI And Increases The Number Of Characters

The primary characteristic set Twitter apart from other social media was the restriction to 140 characters for writing. Users cherished this feature because they felt it was essential to avoid bombarding them with lengthy and tedious texts before the corporation announced that it wanted to raise the typefaces to 280. Many people believed this to be the beginning of the end, but they were unaware that business intelligence had allowed the organization to make decisions based on reliable data analysis.

Even when the character limit was bigger, Twitter users continued to post brief messages, but with the advantage of no longer needing to obsessively check the counter and rewrite each sentence to fit it under the allotted 140 characters. Business intelligence is helpful for Twitter has succeeded in providing its audience with an application that is mostly unchanged from the past but simpler to use.


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